Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

That feeling of walking in a circle but content with the scenery?

That's the best way I can describe my life right now.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

what a long night of birthday babies, sushi, sneaking in the CTA, and gay men

whew, glad my liptar knows how to hang

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

death's grip got ahold on me

I always rewind back to the moment you were laying next to me and I would think you never felt the same because the scars on my cheeks, the imperfect body form my mother gave me, the short ugly hands with nails painted black, the uneven skin tone that would blush pink every time you'd smile at me.

I always told myself, if things were different like now.. I would make you think differently. The scars are less noticeable now, I hide my body better now, my nails are fake, my skin tone has correcting foundation, I can hide my butterflies better.

Then I realize. I was just fine before. 18 yet, experienced, independent, strong, pretty as now (if not prettier), and a better girlfriend than I would've ever been.
Then I realize. It's not me that was wrong, ugly and confused.

It was you.

Monday, April 11, 2011

go cry about it

I'm not fighting alone for a friendship not to work. I refuse to lose.

To see men keep a strong bond, over distance, talk, girls, worldly things makes me wonder why women can't do the same thing? Why are we so overly jealous, angry, ready to hold a grudge on the person we call our closest friend? I thought I was over that point in my life where I burned bridges for no reason.

I'm so jaded right now. I might just take that job offer up in cuse being in the woods so no one talks to me and I won't hafta figure this friendship bullshit of jokes out any more. How sad, sad, sad.

“Women could rule the world if they didn't hate each other”