Thursday, January 29, 2009

"january 20, 2009 (pt. 2)"

"Here I am, late to catching my train to my final stop in NYC, Astoria. God, I really hope I don't miss my plane ride. Ugh, I would've stayed in Chicago, but I couldn't manage to stay here in NYC. So I'm sitting on this bench, patiently waiting yet still real annoyed. Between songs from my ipod all I can hear is this little old asian man rubbing his hands together to keep them warm. This has been all I've been seeing and hearing since I first glanced over at this man. Then I think about it and I remember these really warm glove/mittens that I bought in Boston in my purse right beside me. With my bags and luggage is all around me, realizing I'm leaving this god-awful city, escaping the bitter cold and this poor old man will still be stuck here in New York, I question if giving my gloves to him would be an embarrassing attempt of being nice to getting rejected or rather him taking them kindly and everything just continue to continue. Still after 5 minutes of trying to warm his hands, I just reach in my bag and hand this little man my gloves, smile and say, 'Don't worry, I don't need these. I'm headed to Florida.' He seemed a little confused at first but ends up muttering 'thank you' in the best english possible, takes them and puts them on immediately. I wish I could've said something cheezy like, 'Yeah, God loves you' just so I can let him and everyone around me realize that not all 'christians' or even people believe in God aren't all creepy, pushy, freaks. We're regular joes that just believe in being good people too. BUT saying that would've been beyond ridiculous. So I kept it to a smile and stuck my cold hands inside my jacket from the lack of gloves."

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