MARCH 28,2006-
doctrine monroe: think of a better nickname and i'll get a fucking beltbuckle
get carriedxaway: hahahaha
doctrine monroe: how great it would be not to get all giggly about a guy but then get all let down.. shitty man, just shitty. If you dont like me, tell a iirl
get carriedxaway: aww, I'll tell you if I ever don't like you. don't worry. but I don't think that's gonna happen, after you get the belt buckle, we're pretty much stuck together for forever
doctrine monroe: hahaha
doctrine monroe: why do you rule so much?
get carriedxaway: That's a question I plan to ask the big man once I get to heaven
doctrine monroe: hahah
get carriedxaway: are you laughing about the fact that I think I'm getting into heaven?
get carriedxaway: yes
get carriedxaway: that's okay
get carriedxaway: I'm taking you with me
doctrine monroe: aw bethany
doctrine monroe: no wonder boys fall to the ground you walk on
doctrine monroe: sheeesh you make me feel so special inside
get carriedxaway: all warm and fuzzy?
doctrine monroe: yeah a little
get carriedxaway: like puppies and shit?
doctrine monroe: sometimes
doctrine monroe: even flowers with faces
get carriedxaway: awwwwww. it's "love"
doctrine monroe: fuck yeah
doctrine monroe: i'm in love
get carriedxaway: yay!!! cause I ddn't want to say it first, but I love you too! let's get hitched
doctrine monroe: hahaha
doctrine monroe: you're so silly
doctrine monroe: you're my future roommate, lovemate, soulmate, beltbucklemate, burningangelmate.
get carriedxaway: oh man, I'm so excited, our house is going to be the best place ever.
get carriedxaway: also.. probably the dirtiest place ever. and I don't mean dirty like dishes...
doctrine monroe: fuck all the bullshit, our house is where it's at!!!!
doctrine monroe: but hey, only drug-free rule applies.
get carriedxaway: true. fuck a drug. I'm high on life!!
get carriedxaway: okay, no prob, it'll only take till December, so we've got plenty of time to revise andadd on to these basic rules
doctrine monroe: i'm serious, i'm like saving up right now
get carriedxaway: damn we're going to rule
2006 was the year we planned on leaving this state and to start our lives new. She fell in love and went to California. I stayed here with my life until things weren't bearable anymore and moved to Boston alone. Now here we are back in Florida, single, and sick of everything again. 3 years later we are finally packing up and moving out together as planned. In 2 weeks, I'm back traveling again. Can you keep up?
Hello Chicago, see ya Pensacola.
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