As the loud noise of track squeals from the train fight the music in my headphones, I'm sitting restfully in a semi-filled train. People watching through the reflection of the dark window. Heading home early from work, I notice a young couple sitting peacefully across each other. The man looks concerned and confused. His lady is quiet, looking into his face, trying to figure out which word to say next. You can see it on her face the expression of wanting to help but unsure of the words. Then suddenly she reaches out and gently places her fingers on the top of his hand. Her little fingers start to delicately trace the raised veins around his knuckles toward his wrist. Their eyes don't make contact. Only her staring longingly into his face awaiting a change of expression from him. He slowly extents his fingers and allow her to continue her wondering path. Then after a good moment of this caressing, he suddenly looks up and smiles. She is successful.
Then I look away and smile to myself. I spread out my fingers in front of me. All I want is you.