So, today I was suppose to meet Beth and Kyle for lunch at Sultan's and on my way there (running late of course) my bus driver stops at a red light and jumps out of the bus to get on her phone. Only so many people notice, but when we miss 2 lights.. then people start to look around, wondering what the fuck is going on. She finally ends up back on the bus, grabs her lunch box and quickly says, "2 minutes people, be right back" and walks right back out. I look around for someone else to share this incredible moment with but everyone is just on their phone, book, or talking to a friend as if we were riding down North like nothing's happened. I quietly watch her cross the street and our bus miss 3 green lights. Eventually this little old lady tries to knock on the doors to let her in, since no one is moving, I hurry to get up and push the closed doors so she can get away from the cold. As she slowly steps in, the first thing she says is, "Where in the HELL is the bus driver??!" I laugh and respond, "You know what... I think we're all thinking the exact same thing." This being said made everyone on the bus hysterically laugh and it broke the ice for people to make their comments on how ridiculous this situation is. I look to the old lady as she finally makes her way past me and I yell out, "HEY! Don't even worry about paying... let's just get you in here and seated in case we take off." Everyone laughs and now the situation isn't so annoying but more funny. Our bus driver finally gets on and off we go. People are yelling from the back to her about how shitty of a move it was, but she ignores it and drives as fast as possible to Damen.
Didn't make it to Sultan's but caught up to go thrifting, walk through pet shops, and help Beth pick out the cutest boots! Thank god I forgot my debit card, I would've definitely spent money I did not have!
Bethany and I ended our night with watching Seinfield and talking about old memories and old friends. It made me think, one of the best things in life is meeting someone accidentally and then realizing they could be the best thing that ever stepped into your life. I look back on the people I let go and I really have no regret on the choices I made, I'm just sad to see where most of those people are today. I'm just happy I'm not in a situation where I think of nothing but hate for them, I guess I just don't care about people anymore. I'm content with everyone I'm surrounded by.
I'm trying to take life as it's given to me. But now my main concern is, am I here to start something new or am I here to be a wallflower until I die? Am I here to make people happy or am I here to get what I want?
“We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.”
-Chuck Palahniuk